You are a project developer, owner, or investor seeking state-of-the-science expertise to mitigate technical risk.

ArcVera has the answers.

ArcVera Renewables’ deep bench of renewable energy expertise informed by volumes of project engagements will listen to your needs and develop a customized solution for you.

From the earliest greenfield project development stages, through to financial due diligence, ArcVera is the trusted partner many rely on. We will respond quickly, scheduling an exploratory meeting with you to learn about your unique technical challenges and to share with you ArcVera’s experience-informed solutions.

And when we are assigned to the work, we promise to move swiftly and do our part in keeping the project development on track, and apace with deal-flow.

To share a few examples…

Example #1

An early, greenfield stage hybrid project developer needs a low-cost wind and solar energy resource assessment to validate the prospective energy production potential before committing additional funding to the project.

  • Solution: ArcVera Renewable’s Preliminary Wind & Solar Energy Resource Assessment

Example #2

An investment company acquires a wind project and needs to understand if the project is performing optimally.

  • Solution: ArcVera Renewables’ Operational Backcast Energy Analysis

Example #3

A finance company is acquiring a portfolio of wind and solar energy projects and seeks a third-party technical evaluation of the portfolio performance to inform the technical feasibility and cost for optimizing specific projects.

  • Solution: ArcVera Renewables Project Portfolio Analysis

Example #4

A recently constructed wind farm has a contractual obligation that requires an IEC-accredited performance verification of the wind turbines.

  • Solution: ArcVera Renewables IEC RE and a2La accredited Power Performance Testing Services.

Example #5

A solar project lender needs an independent engineering project finance technical due diligence report to complete the project financing with the Sponsor.

  • Solution: ArcVera Renewables’ Independent Engineering Solar Project Technical Finance Due Diligence Report.

Example #6

A wind or solar developer needs energy production estimates and uncertainty quantified for their maturing site measurements.

  • Solution: ArcVera Renewables’ Wind or Solar Resource Assessment with Uncertainty Analysis Including 1-Year and 10-Year P75, P90, P95, and P99 values.

Request an ArcVera Renewables’
Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) and learn more about ArcVera Renewables and how you can benefit from the ArcVera Advantage